To capacitate cooperatives that have become proponents of the Small Livelihood Project (SLP) under the Philippine Rural Development Project (PRDP), the IREAP Component of DA-Regional Project Coordination Office I (RPCO I) conducted a Capacity Building Development Training which started today October 6,2022 and will conclude tomorrow, October 7,2022 at the Regency Hotel in Calasiao, Pangasinan.

Proponent Group (PG) members from the Southern Binmaley MPC; Progressive Cooperative of Oraan East MPC; Bayanihan Hundred Island MPC; and BLP Farmers & Irrigators Association were the participants to the training.

As a way to ensure sustainability of the proponents’ enterprises that were supported by PRDP, various topics were set to create an over-all knowledge enhancement for the coop members to become effective agribusiness entrepreneurs.

Three resource speakers from the Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University (DMMMSU) North La Union Campus-Institute of Agribusiness Management were invited to lecture on seven important topics.

Ms. Arnelie Laquidan initially discussed today about Entrepreneurial Mind Setting and Values Formation. She will be lecturing as well about Leadership Management and Skills Training on the second day of the activity.

An important aspect of being an agribusiness entrepreneur is to know how to start, maintain and grow one’s business venture.

With this, topics on How to start a business; Human Resource Management; and Internal Control System were discussed today by Dr. Joana Quinquito and will discuss as well the topic on Office and Organizational Management for tomorrow’s lecture, together with the topic on Simple Book keeping, Recording and Accounting by Ms. Leny Grace Garcia.

The conduct of the Capability Building Training is an off-shoot of IREAP’s enterprise assessment activity previously where training needs and other technical assistance needs were identified by the proponents to help them manage efficiently the livelihood assistance provided to them by DA thru PRDP.

The Ilocos Region has a total of 50 approved and implemented SLP under PRDP where 29 of which were awarded to Pangasinan PGs.###

DA PRDP Ilocos Region