In an effort to revive the hog industry in the country, the Department of Agriculture Regional Field Office 1 is set to roll out the Swine Repopulation, Rehabilitation, and Recovery Credit Program (Swine R3 Credit Program) during the upcoming visit of DA Secretary William “Manong Willie” D. Dar in Lingayen, Pangasinan.
The said program is a special credit program of DA in partnership with the Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP) to support government efforts in helping hog raisers affected by the African swine fever to fund the construction of biosecure swine farms and the purchase of necessary farm machinery and equipment.
The eligible borrowers of the Swine 3R credit program include local government units and duly registered private enterprises. Once approved, the funds can be utilize to establish swine breeding farms, wean-to-finish farms and consolidated swine projects.
It offers a maximum loanable amount of up to 100% total project cost for LGUs and 70% for private entities with payment terms of ten (10) years inclusive of up to two years grace period.
With the initial fund of P12-billion, the loan program intends to increase pork production, drop down the retail price of pork and ensure food security.#