After identifying the needs of farmer-beneficiaries under the Special Area for Agricultural Development Program Phase 2 of the Department of Agriculture through the beneficiary needs assessment, the SAAD implementers started with the distribution of interventions to SAAD pilot areas in the region on May 31, 2023 and June 1, 2023. On May 31, 26 heads of cattle fattener were awarded to 26 members of the United Barangay San Antonio Sto. Tomas Farmers’ Association, Inc. in Pangasinan. It was awarded through a simple ceremony which was attended by Ms. Khristina Leodeth Gagote of the Municipal Agriculture Office, Ms. Amelia Cariaga, representative from the Office of the Provincial Agriculturist; and District Veterinarian Dr. Marissa De Vera.

During the ceremony, Dr. Marvin Quilates, Agricultural Programs Coordinating Officer for Pangasinan province, emphasized the importance of taking care of the cattle, urging the farmers to treat them with the same level of care they provide for themselves. He encouraged prompt reporting of any observations regarding the cattle’s health or well-being for appropriate action. “Alagaan nyo po yan gaya ng pag aalaga ninyo sa inyong mga sarili. Pag may naobserve kayong hindi maganda sa inyong baka ireport nyo agad para maireport sa supplier” said Quilates.

On June 1, 2023, both the Sibugan Farmers’ Association in Bagulin, La Union, and Riverside Greeners Association in Dumalneg, Ilocos Norte also received 26 heads of cattle each.

In addition to the cattle, the recipients were provided with essential supplies such as drugs, biologics, and ruminant grower feeds. These provisions ensure the overall well-being and health of the livestock, promoting optimal growth and productivity.

To generate revenue from the animals, the beneficiaries may sell their cattle after years of tending them and use the proceeds to purchase another head of cattle, which will then be dispersed among the association’s members.

To support the associations in tending this livelihood, DA SAAD will be providing the beneficiaries with education about the proper care of their animals.