Supply and delivery of Various Office Supplies for use in the implementation of strenghtening provision of market information under Digital Agriculture Supply and delivery of Filing Cabinet and Folding Table to be used as an organizational equipment in order to achieve proper filing system for all the documents of the F2C2 program. Supply and delivery of various materials for the fabrication of 5 units of 5-layered cabinets for use of PRDP RPCO 1 Personnel Supply and delivery of Laboratory supplies needed for the operation of the Garlic virus Indexing and Tissue Culture Laboratory at DA-PREC, Sta. Barbara, Pangasinan. Supply and delivery of various Animal and Zoological supplies to be distributed to the Artificial Insemination Technicians in support to the Unified National Artificial Insemination Program of the livestock Banner Program. Provision of 70 pax meals and snacks for two (2) days to be served during the conduct of the Generation of EVSA Results using the Offline Tool for the Updating of the Provincial Commodity Investment Plans in the Ilocos Region Job Order: Labor and materials for the printing and publication of I-PLAN Booklet Briefer for use of PRDP RPCO 1 I-PLAN Component and PPMIU Staffs Job Order: Labor and materials for the printing of PRDP Desktop Calendar to be distributed during RPCO 1-P/C/MPMIU Assessment and Action Planning Workshop and PRDP related activities Job Order: Labor and materials for the wheel balancing, wheel alignment and replacement of tyres of Mitsubishi Strada with plate number SAB4017 Supply and delivery of various supplies to be used at Information Management Section (IMS) as back-up power supply to ensure reliable network operations in support to the Updating of RSBSA.