SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF VARIOUS SOIL AMELIORANTS SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF VARIOUS BIOFERTILIZERS SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF VARIOUS INORGANIC FERTILIZERS SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF ONE (1) LOT VARIOUS FERTILIZERS SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND (400,000) KILOGRAMS CERTIFIED PALAY SEEDS SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF SIXTY-EIGHT (68) UNITS GRASSCUTTER NEGOTIATED PROCUREMENT OF SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF VARIOUS SEEDLINGS Supply and delivery of 4 unit Forage Chopper to be distributed to farmer association beneficiaries under the Special Area for Agricultural Development (SAAD) Program Phase 2. Provision of meals and snack to be served on-site during the conduct of KADIWA ng Pangulo in Ilocos Region. Job order: Labor and materials for the fabrication of 45 pcs plaques to be given during the conduct of YFCP Provincial Awarding Ceremony.