Provision of 50 pax Meals and Snacks for the conduct of Monitoring and Evaluation Desk Review and On-Site Monitoring lot 4)
Provision of 50 pax Meals and Snacks for the conduct of Monitoring and Evaluation Desk Review and On-Site Monitoring (lot 3)
Provision of 50 pax Meals and Snacks for the conduct of Monitoring and Evaluation Desk Review and On-Site Monitoring (lot 2)
Provision of 50 pax Meals and Snacks for the conduct of Monitoring and Evaluation Desk Review and On-Site Monitoring (lot 1)
Job Order: Labor and Materials for the production of 305 pcs Fall Armyworm Tarp for distribution to stakeholders
Supply and delivery of 2,788 bags Organic Fertilizer to be distributed to farmers/farmers’ associations affected by COVID-19 in Ilocos Region as assistance to accelerate their recovery