Provision of 53 pax Meals and Snacks for the conduc t of Live-out Training on Rice Crop Manager farmers and Farm Lot Registration and Geo-referencing in Region I (Lot 4 Ilocos Norte)
Provision of 66 pax Meals and Snacks for the conduc t of Live-out Training on Rice Crop Manager farmers and Farm Lot Registration and Geo-referencing in Region I (Lot 3 Ilocos Sur)
Provision of 45 pax Meals and Snacks for the conduc t of Live-out Training on Rice Crop Manager farmers and Farm Lot Registration and Geo-referencing in Region I (Lot 2 La Union)
Provision of 160 pax Meals and Snacks for the conduc t of Live-out Training on Rice Crop Manager farmers and Farm Lot Registration and Geo-referencing in Region I (Lot 1 Pangasinan)
Supply and delivery of Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) in support to the different activities of Livestock Banner Program in Region I
Provision of Organic Agriculture Assistance for the organic certification fees of qualified individual applicant in Pangasinan
Supply, Delivery, Installation and Configuration of Various ICT Equipment in Support to Operations for the enhancement of the Information Management of DA RFO I in support to DA’s One DA, One Data, One System Goal and in the documentation and dissemination of DA Programs, Projects and Activities (6 units Printer and 3 Laptop)
Supply, Delivery, Installation and Configuration of Various ICT Equipment in Support to Operations for the enhancement of the Information Management of DA RFO I in support to DA’s One DA, One Data, One System Goal and in the documentation and dissemination of DA Programs, Projects and Activities (1 Printer A3 laser/colored)
Supply and delivery of Personal Protective Equipment to be used by the Regional Pest Surveillance Control and Operation Team and LGU Pest Surveillance Officers during the monitoring/surveillance, validation and control of Fall Armyworm (FAW) in the proposed hotspot and radiation areas
Supply and delivery of 7 units Biometrics to be used at DA RFO-1 4th Floor, 5th Floor, PREC-Sual, ILD and buffer stock