Supply and delivery of various laboratory supplies to be used in plant and animal disease surveillance and monitoring and inspection of agricultural facilities and products (item 6 only)
Supply and delivery of various laboratory supplies to be used in plant and animal disease surveillance and monitoring and inspection of agricultural facilities and products (items 1-5)
Supply and delivery of 500 bags Granular Complete Fertilizer to be used by OPV white corn farmers, as package with the existing project on regular seed distribution for CY 2020
Supply and delivery of various vegetable seeds to be distributed as training kits to the recipients of the Training on Vegetable Production in Region I (items 7-16)
Supply and delivery of various vegetable seeds to be distributed as training kits to the recipients of the Training on Vegetable Production in Region I (items 1-6)
Supply and delivery of various cooking supplies and food safety supplies to be used during the Hands-on Demonstration on Livelihood Training on Cassava Processing for Rural Women Organization
Supply and delivery of various supplies to be used in the project of corn and cassava production trial in Region I
Supply and delivery of 25 bags Sorghum Seeds to be used in the establishment of Sorghum Technology Demonstration and Sorghum Model Farm for CY 2020
Supply and delivery of 1 pack reference material (sample) to be used in the implementation of quality assurance (as internal quality control), particularly on the conduct of proximate and mineral analysis of the Regional Feed Chemical Analysis Laboratory