As a way to further promote and support the Urban Gardening program of the Department of Agriculture, employees of DA-RFO I through the DA Employees Association (DAEA) launched its Urban Gardening competition among the department’s division offices.

Each division office was given an area within the DA regional office to establish their urban gardening showcasing various vegetables such as tomato, eggplant, kangkong, okra, ampalaya, among others, which were planted on recycled containers.

DAEA president Mr. Juanito Malazo, Jr., led the invited judges on September 8,2023 for the initial judging of the vegetable gardens by the employees. DA-RFO I Regional Executive Director Annie Q. Bares is in full support of this endeavor by the DAEA.

Other than the employees themselves, the project hopes to encourage individuals and communities to adopt urban gardening at home as it is seen as a good effort to support the country’s food security agenda.