Provision of 3 units van for rental (6 days) to be served during the conduct of Value Chain Assessment for Mango in Region 1

Provision of 3 units van for rental (6 days) to be served during the conduct of Value Chain Assessment for Mango in Region 1 Reference Number : 8022627Total ABC : Php80,000.00Posting Period: September 23-27, 2021 (9:00 AM)2nd Posting : October 7-11, 2021 (9:00 AM) Follow this link for the bid Documents:

Provision of meals and snacks for 2 days to be served during the conduct of Capability Building for Proponent Groups of IREAP Component in La Union and Pangasinan Lot 1-Lot 9 (Batch 2)

Provision of meals and snacks for 2 days to be served during the conduct of Capability Building for Proponent Groups of IREAP Component in La Union and Pangasinan Lot 1-Lot 9 (Batch 2) Reference Number : 7997463Total ABC : Php126,000.00Posting Period: September 15-17, 2021 (9:00 AM)2nd Posting: September 23-27, 2021 (9:00 AM)3rd Posting : October continue reading : Provision of meals and snacks for 2 days to be served during the conduct of Capability Building for Proponent Groups of IREAP Component in La Union and Pangasinan Lot 1-Lot 9 (Batch 2)

Supply and delivery of 180 pieces t-shirt with collar, with DA PRDP Logo to be used during the conduct of Assessment Forum/Coordination Meeting of Approved IREAP Subprojects in Region 1

Supply and delivery of 180 pieces t-shirt with collar, with DA PRDP Logo to be used during the conduct of Assessment Forum/Coordination Meeting of Approved IREAP Subprojects in Region 1 Reference Number : 7891510 Total ABC : Php63,000.00 Posting Period   :   August 4-6, 2021 (9:00 AM)    Follow this link for the bid continue reading : Supply and delivery of 180 pieces t-shirt with collar, with DA PRDP Logo to be used during the conduct of Assessment Forum/Coordination Meeting of Approved IREAP Subprojects in Region 1

Supply and delivery of various ICT Equipment to used in the implementation of efficient prevention and control of FAW and other pests that seriously damage and cause yield losses to crops in COVID-19 affected areas/farmers of Region I

Supply and delivery of various ICT Equipment to used in the implementation of efficient prevention and control of FAW and other pests that seriously damage and cause yield losses to crops in COVID-19 affected areas/farmers of Region I Reference No: 7471551Solicitation No. 2021-PR21-115-0048ABC: Php760,000.00PR No. 21-115 1st Posting : February 15 – 18, 20212nd Posting continue reading : Supply and delivery of various ICT Equipment to used in the implementation of efficient prevention and control of FAW and other pests that seriously damage and cause yield losses to crops in COVID-19 affected areas/farmers of Region I

Supply and delivery of various cellphone prepaid cards for use of PRDP RPCO 1 Personnel in CY 2021 1st Quarter

Supply and delivery of various cellphone prepaid cards for use of  PRDP RPCO 1 Personnel in CY 2021 1st Quarter Reference Number : 7475408 Total ABC : Php87,000.00 Posting Period : February 17-19, 2021 (9:00 AM) Follow this link for the bid documents:

Provision of food and accommodation for the conduct of Rapid Appraisal of Emerging Benefits for IREAP subprojects under PRDP in Pangasinan (Meeting 1 and Meeting 2)

Provision of food and accommodation for the conduct of  Rapid Appraisal of Emerging Benefits for IREAP subprojects under PRDP in Pangasinan (Meeting 1 and Meeting 2) Reference Number : 7466936 Total ABC : Php76,500.00 Posting Period : February 11-15, 2021 (9:00 AM) Follow this link for the bid Documents:

Supply and delivery of 1 cycle Proficiency Testing to evaluated the performance/competency level of the laboratory in terms of nutritional and elemental analyses and to satisfy one of the requirements of ISO 17025:2017 accreditation

Supply and delivery of 1 cycle Proficiency Testing to evaluated the performance/competency level of the laboratory in terms of nutritional and elemental analyses and to satisfy one of the requirements of ISO 17025:2017 accreditation             Reference No:    7438970 Solicitation No.  2021-PR21-068-0027 ABC:                      Php114,000.00 Closing date:      04 February 2021 (9:00 AM) PR continue reading : Supply and delivery of 1 cycle Proficiency Testing to evaluated the performance/competency level of the laboratory in terms of nutritional and elemental analyses and to satisfy one of the requirements of ISO 17025:2017 accreditation

Supply and delivery of various furniture and fixture to be used in the implementation of efficient prevention and control of FAW and other pests that seriously damage and cause yield losses to crops in COVID-19 affected farmers in Region I

Supply and delivery of various furniture and fixture to be used in the implementation of efficient prevention and control of FAW and other pests that seriously damage and cause yield losses to crops in COVID-19 affected farmers in Region I             Reference No: 7389475 Solicitation No.  2020-PR20-1564-398 ABC:                      Php200,000.00 Closing date:     continue reading : Supply and delivery of various furniture and fixture to be used in the implementation of efficient prevention and control of FAW and other pests that seriously damage and cause yield losses to crops in COVID-19 affected farmers in Region I

Supply and delivery of Bio-Insecticides to be used in the prevention and control of FAW and other pests that seriously damage and cause yield losses to crops in COVID-19 affected farmers in Region I

Supply and delivery of Bio-Insecticides to be used in the prevention and control of FAW and other pests that seriously damage and cause yield losses to crops in COVID-19 affected farmers in Region I              Reference No:    7389380 Solicitation No.  2020-PR20-1566-396 ABC:                    continue reading : Supply and delivery of Bio-Insecticides to be used in the prevention and control of FAW and other pests that seriously damage and cause yield losses to crops in COVID-19 affected farmers in Region I