Eleven out of the 13 LGU-convergence sites presented their convergence area development plan (CADP) briefer to the Regional Convergence member agencies during the first quarter meeting held at the 5th Floor DA-RFO I Conference Room, City of San Fernando, La Union.

Held on April 30, 2024, the presentation of the CADP briefer aims to polish the plan incorporating all other interventions that the member agencies may provide before they shall be allowed to prepare their work and financial plan as a pre-requisite of approving the CADP to the National Convergence Initiative (NCI) Secretariat.

Representatives of the LGUs of Vintar, Piddig in Ilocos Norte; Sinait, Cabugao, Caoayan and Candon City in Ilocos Sur along with the LGUs of Bacnotan, San Juan and Santol in La Union and the LGUs of San Manuel, Balungao and Mangatarem Pangasinan presented their CADP briefers and obtained positive feedback as the RCI member-agencies in unison have endorsed the prepared plans for approval at the NCI.

Among the major interventions that the convergence LGUs needed from the member agencies include, among others, farm-to-market roads, irrigation facilities and equipment, agricultural inputs, scholarship grants, market development services, capability buildings and trainings, as well as livelihood opportunities and credit assistance.

Ms. Irene Tactac, Project Development Officer IV of the DA-RFO I who presided over the meeting reiterated the submission of RCI resolution endorsing the CADP briefers of the convergence areas. She also reminded the convergence area representatives to include the CADPs NCI requirements on supporting documents such as Executive Orders in support of the organization of municipal and provincial convergence technical working groups leading to the full support and commitment of the local chief executives in realizing the goals and objectives of the convergence sites.

With the deadline of submission of the RCI Resolution endorsing the CADP briefers to the NCI on May 15, 2024, Ms. Tactac encouraged the LGU convergence area representatives to submit the updated CADP briefers on or before May 8, 2024 to the RCI Secretariat including the Work and Financial Plan of the San Manuel convergence which is asking for the extension of their CADP preparation.

With the planned briefing for the Provincial Technical Working Group, a separate meeting shall be scheduled where the member-agencies shall again be invited to get their commitment and ensure that those planned programs projects and activities are included in the member-agenciesโ€™ annual investment plan.