Strengthening partnership with the private sector, the Department of Agriculture in Ilocos Region through the Agribusiness Marketing Assistance Division (AMAD) forged partnership with the Phoenix Petroleum Philippines, Inc. for the establishment of Kadiwa ni Ani at Kita at the Phoenix Gasoline Station, in tandem with the Local Government Unit of Magaldan in Pangasinan.

Aimed at providing marketing outlet for farmers’ produce and at the same time de-congest the town’s market which is essential in complying with the minimum health standard protocol being implemented during this time of pandemic, the establishment of the Kadiwa ni Ani at Kita project will likewise provide the public with access to fresh, safe and affordable fruits and vegetables as public and private vehicles also access diesel and gasoline with the Phoenix Gas Company.

In her message during the launching activity held on May 14, 2021 at the Phoenix Gas station in Mangaldan, Pangasinan, Ms. Wilhelmina Castañeda, Chief of AMAD, representing DA-RFO I’s Regional Executive Director Nestor D. Domenden, expressed gratitude to the local government unit of Mangaldan headed by Mayor Mary Marilyn Lambino and Mr. John Philip Cabañero, Phoenix Petroleum Area Manager for accommodating the Kadiwa project in their vicinity.

Noting as well the valuable impact that the project provides to Mangaldan farmers and to the consumers as well in the said town, Ms. Castañeda explained that the project is part of the strategy of DA not only to make food available and accessible to the public amidst the pandemic but to link farmers and fisherfolk as well to available market venues where they can sell their produce /products.

Mangaldan Vice Mayor Pedro Surdillo, Jr., in his message during the program found the KADIWA project as a timely and suitable project in this time of pandemic where meaningful partnerships with the private sector can produce more benefits to the people in times of crisis.

Other than the consumers, a total of 11 retailers and sellers to include the Talogtog Farmers and Fisherfolks Association, and the Cocoa Federico Tablea and Riverbank Agricultural Farm, cacao processors based in Mangaldan benefitted from the project.

The KADIWA Project partnership with the private sector particularly with gasoline stations is expected to be replicated in other areas in the region soon.

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